Sunday 24 August 2014

In my element at last

24th August 2014

Today I pushed the enjoyment of my own company to a new level. Perhaps the happiest I've ever been on my own (even more so when food's involved).

Planned a route around a few local villages using footpaths & bridles through fields, it was a blast. 

Can see why 80% of cyclists (according to LBS) would rather stay on the road, having to carry the bike over many awkward stiles (farmers must really have it in for mtb'ers). Overgrown brambles and nettles, needing adequate suspension, fields plastered with sheep shit etc etc. but for me it's bliss. 

Obviously, It's an extension of walking but the main benefit is you can see more in a shorter space of time. Still going where no cars or road bikes can go so the chances of being alone in a tranquil setting are great. I so love walking and being amongst the countryside, this really hit the spot for me. 

All different sorts of terrain! First grazed fields, then mown fields past a private fisting lake, harvested wheat, 7ft sweetcorn, overgrown grass and even trails made by sheep over the years. Each trail different from the last, some with surprises and challenges (chased by 4 bulls close to the end) keeping you interested for more. 

Only things I would change so far is a handlebar mounted GPS (pain in the ass having to reach into your bag for the iPhone all the while. 

Handful of ice cubes in the Camelbak

And a better compact camera. There's so much to see and I love my landscape photography, the iPhone has quite a wide angled lens which compacts too much into the frame. 

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